
sexual abuse sentence in Hindi

"sexual abuse" meaning in Hindi  sexual abuse in a sentence  


  1. The two Saudis face charges of forced labor, aggravated sexual abuse, document servitude, and harboring an alien. If found guilty, they could spend the rest of their lives in prison. The government also wants to seize the couple's Al-Basheer bank account to pay their former slave $92,700 in back wages. It's shocking, especially for a graduate student and owner of a religious bookstore - but not particularly rare. Here are other examples of enslavement, all involving Saudi royals or diplomats living in America.
    किसी स्नातक विद्यार्थी और धार्मिक पुस्तक केन्द्र के मालिक द्वारा ऐसा किया जाना चौंकाने वाली घटना जरुर है लेकिन दुर्लभ नहीं है . यहां बंधुआ बनाने के कुछ और उदाहरण दिए जा रहे हैं जिसमें अमेरिका में रहने सउदी राजघराने के लोग या राजनयिक शामिल हैं .

Related Words

  1. sextons
  2. sextuple
  3. sextuplet
  4. sextuplets
  5. sexual
  6. sexual activity
  7. sexual behaviour
  8. sexual climax
  9. sexual congress
  10. sexual conjugation
PC Version
हिंदी संस्करण

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